Internship at SyArt Gallery in Sorrento, Italy
SyArt is a contemporary art gallery located near the main square of Sorrento, Italy. The founder, Leone Capiello and manager/ curator, Rossella Savarese are the two people who run the gallery. Rossella was my supervisor, giving me daily tasks around the gallery. The two work together to find artists for their gallery and their annual SyArt festival.
During my internship, I created multiple projects to enhance their social media presence and name online. I learned that a lot of people look to pinterest for purchasing their artwork, and so I created a page and posted pieces from the gallery, with their website attached. I created an article, ‘10 Italian Artist to Watch’ for pinterest viewers to find, and get more information about on SyArt’s website. I created a new brochure for the gallery, in English and Italian, for customers to have and leave with after visiting the gallery. I helped the gallery with their instagram, showing my boss the most efficient hashtags, and helping with captions and edits on photos.
On site, I helped with rearranging the artwork around the gallery. I helped display the pieces in new ways to keep the gallery updated and fresh. I learned how to package and ship their sold art, as well as nail new work onto walls. On site, my job also included customer service- which I answered people’s questions about the work, showed them the selection downstairs, and let them know prices of the piece. I greeted customers and was there for any questions.
My favorite task of my internship position was when SyArt gave me the opportunity to do a live painting at Hotel Excelsior Vittoria. For a Make-a-wish charity event, they were asked to display art, but instead gave me the job of painting during the dinner. I painted a pop art painting on a 5x4 foot canvas, it was a wonderful experience for a great cause.
Interview for youtube
Brochure for Gallery/ Made in Italian & English

Article for Pinterest
Instagram Story Highlight Covers

Example of instagram posts using same filter, white tones, contrast, and exposure.
When I posted, I would copy and paste the best hashtags for art or sculpture I found on google, so it would attract newer followers.
I put fun different symbols such as ☆ or wrote L I K E T H I S- to make each post more aesthetically pleasing
Pinterest Page